管理番号 | 中古 :3582500566 | メーカー | Red | 発売日 | 2025/02/15 12:59 | 型番 | Z6928031596 | ||
カテゴリ |
3-cans 5-cans 10-cans 24-cans 3-cans 5-cans 10-cans 24-cans 48-cans 3-cans x 3-sets 5-cans x 3-sets (75g)Red Snow Crab Red Leg Meat Canned (125g) Type weight (KGS) 3 cans 1.25 5 cans 1.75 10 cans 2.5 24 cans 6.0 48 cans 11.0 3 cans x 3 sets 2.5 5 cans x 3 sets 4.0 Rate schedule (EMS) Red Snow Crab Red Leg Meat Canned Red Snow Crab Red Leg Meat Canned 紅ずわいがに 赤身脚肉 缶詰
Red Snow Crab Red Leg Meat Canned
A bit broken or teared leg meat of Red Snow Crab is scrambly packed. Utilizing the good taste and bright red colour of the meat, we recommend you to use it in the dishes which you need to appeal the presense of Crab ! This type is the most popular among luxurious Chinese Restaurant in Japan, making soup with shark fin, and sticky sauce for steamed vegitables.
我們在香港,在臺灣販賣的時候,最受歡迎的商品。商品名 紅ずわいがに 赤身脚肉 品名 べにずわいがに水煮 原材料名 べにずわいがに、砂糖、食塩、調味料(アミノ酸等)、増粘多糖類、リン酸塩(Na)、酸化防止剤(亜硫酸塩) 固形量 125g 賞味期限 缶ぶたに記載(常温で3年) 製造者 マルヤ水産株式会社 MRY1 宮城県名取市閖上5-5-6 特定原材料 かに